In order to allow pages to download faster, please look at the bottom of each posting for a link to the full posting. Full postings will usually have much more content and photos.
In order to allow pages to download faster, please look at the bottom of each posting for a link to the full posting. Full postings will usually have much more content and photos.
This will be an on going series, as I love sculpture. Wherever I find a good piece, I'll add it to my main collection at and on here in the upcoming Photo Gallery [TBA].
I hope you enjoy. Please leave comments and suggestions for sculptures around New York City.
Testing various lenses at the Bronx Zoo, I came up with these.
The below photos were taken without a tripod. There are many techniques, this one is mine: If you don't have a tripod, don't worry too much. All you need is a clear head, patients, and the ability to obtain focus. Your body combined with an inanimate object, (such as a pole or wall) is all you need to create a tripod. Each one of your legs are 2 of the legs of the tripod, the pole or wall (previously mentioned) is the 3rd leg. Take three deep breaths. On the last deep breath, exhale slowly and completely. Hold your breath at that point and take the picture. Do this as many times as you need in order to get the photo you desire.
I took this photo of a coworkers lava lamp, using my friend's 100mm L2.8 lens on my 5D Mk2. I love that lens :)
Some photos taken at the Brooklyn Museum
Below are the images I submitted to the Tiffen Pet Photo Contest. If you want to find out how you can enter the contest, click the more info link below the photos.
For more information about the Tiffen Pet Photo Contest click the below link
Are you ready for another Tiffen Contest? Show us your PET PAWtraits! You know the kind - the ones with those priceless expressions! The ones where you dressed your pets up (and they didn't want their neighborhood friends to see them)! How about the cuddly ones? The heartwarming ones. And surely you can't forget the ones whose antics made your day!
I picked up my Canon 5D at one o'clock today. I brought my Carl Zeiss 50mm 1.4 ZE with me. I wasn't able to really take her out to see what she has... but I did shoot my desk at work. One thing you should know... My office is very very dark. In fact, we call it the Bat Cave. The below image was taken without a flash or tripod. Take a look at the camera data.
The photo isn't a great one by any means. But it shows well how far well it could shoot in low light situations. Keep tuned to far better photography from my 50D. And for the final shots taken with my Canon 30D.. Will I resurrect it in the future? Muah ha ha ha haaaaaaaa. (That's an evil laugh with my picky up to my lips.)
This is Karen. I took this photo back in 2005. I loved the passion in this photo.
It's been a very busy day. I was only able to snap a couple of shots. Here's what I was able to shoot. Please keep in mind, there are no touchups.
Interesting note: I love how sharp the depth of field is with this lens. Look at the 2nd picture. One eye is crisp, the other is slightly out of focus. Stay tuned for more fun with this lens and my 200 L2.8 prime.
Below are several photos of took of men in many different environments. I want to stress, that it doesn't matter what camera or lens you have. The best camera, is the one you have.
Many men wear their emotions on their faces. Some of the men below didn't want me to take their photo. Some tried to pose. I told them not to. They listened, and the photos speak for themselves. Next time you look at a man try to find that part of him which creates an emotion in you. Try to capture it. Do not be afraid to take more than one. And at worst, come back and take that photo at another time.
I hope you enjoy the photos; and remember to share your comments with me. If you want to reference the photos, count them down (the top being #1 and so on).
The below images are taken from three separate events. However they all have one thing in common which help make them notable. Contrast. There are many times you'll see a photograph where the average person can't fully explain why they like the photo. They just know they do or are somehow attracted to the photo. Case in point the photo of a baby sleeping in a flower. There are many photos of babies sleeping in flowers. But they all have that contrast which allows them all to become notable by the viewer.
Regardless if you use a digital SLR or a simple point and shoot throw away camera. Take a moment and see how you can place something which enable or bring out the contrast of the photo you are about to take. It may be as simple as a small child behind the wheel of a Lamborghini. Or a baby lamb sleeping with two week old wolf cubs.
There are so many rules to photography you should know. The best way to make those rules a part of your life, is to shoot often. You don't start brushing your teeth by placing toothpaste on your teeth, then brushing right? The same with photography. Do it often enough and when you shoot you won't even think about the contrast in the photo. You'll register it as you register placing toothpaste on a toothbrush before brushing.
Please give me your feedback. I would appreciate it greatly.
I hope you enjoy the photos.
The name if this piece is Beautiful Decay
I was several hundred feet from these women sitting under these trees. These trees are almost the only trees around the Washington monument. I loved how they sprouted from the Earth, giving their shade to these two young women, who were reading and picnicking.
I found the scene musical, as the photo is filled at the bottom of the frame. As the colors change upwards; the ground gives way to the girls who give way to the thick limbs of the tree who give way to the red building which gives way to the spanning clouds which work with the green leaves of the tree to literally point the way to the top of the tree. The tip of the tree serves as an arrow pointing to another change... the blue sky.
Frederick Hart's "The Three Servicemen," of which two are captured here, clearly depicts the 1000 yard stare. Each man tells a different story to me. The middle man or the one on the left, shows me how tired he is. The man on the right tells me a story of sadness behind the facade. It's a combination of his eyes, facial muscle tone and his pursed lips.
Central Park, New York - During a fall walk near Belvedere Castle I came across this area. I found the various colors very appealing.
The title of the piece: Colors of New York