These flowers were extremely purple! They were darker, far more saturated. And they fought with the green leaves for dominance. I found these flowers under a porch. Can you believe it? A porch? Who keeps flowers under a porch? Maybe they need indirect light? I don't know... But I found them there.
The sun was setting. It was raining cats and dogs all day. It was really foggy. And these flowers were hiding under a porch. I am so lucky I had my Manfrotto 055XBPRO tripod with the 3047 head, a Canon 5D mark II and a 200mm L2.8 lens.

When I composited the shot in my head, I knew I needed to choose which color to dominate the photograph. I used Photoshop's RAW import feature to adjust this photo. Why? Because I am a master at Photoshop :) I could have done this in Lightroom or Aperture. However I choose Photoshop. I knocked the fill light up a notch, brought up my blacks, brightness and contrast. I then raised the clarity and reduced the Vibrance. I then adjusted the saturation of the Greens and purples. Lowering the greens and raising the purples. I then raised the luminance of the greens and purples. This caused them to really pop. A nice little side effect was the popping of the water drops. My final touch was to sharpen the image in Photoshop, using unsharp mask set to a high degree.
Some months ago a friend of mine showed me how some Leica photographers were processing their images. I fell in love with their old style processing. And tried it out on my next photo expedition. Ironically both shots have the same subject matter. This wasn't planned :)
The below photo was shot with my Canon 30D and a Canon 50mm F1.8 lens