Yesterday I received a comment on the Monitors/ Canon 28-90mm USM review. The comment was that the photo lacked the DOF (a.k.a. Depth of Field) I spoke of in my review. Keeping that in mind, I brought out my 28-135mm out. I found a pretty nice evergreen tree and took some comparison photos. Please look at the lower left hand side of each photo to see which photo was taken by what lens. i.e. Canon 28-90 USM 4-5.6.
You can visually see the difference between shots. Although I didn't have a tripod to fully control the situation; I believe you will clearly see how much better the DOF is when I used the 28-90mm. I want you to divide each image into 3 sections. The foreground, the center and the rear area of the image. I focused on the center of each image; picking some needles in the center to use as my focal point.
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