An unlikely source of of wild grass. The High Line. Taken from the Photo Blog Archive
Escalating Deco
What exactly this is, I won't tell. However I bet thousands of people see it every day; and never even thing about how beautiful it really is. The design behind this is clearly beautiful.
Taken from the Photo Blog Archive
Fun Girl
A perfect example of how depth of field can completely make a background become insignificant. The statue is clearly the dominant figure in this photo. Having a fast lens allows this to happen.
Thinking of God
A photo from the interior of St. Paul The Apostle, taken with a Canon 5D Mark II and a 17mm - 40mm L4 lens
Taken from the Photo Blog Archive
The Color Of Light
One of my favorite macro photos. Taken with a 100mm 2.8L and a Canon 5D Mark II, under florescent lights and lit by the sun.
Stickers On The Vine
Photographed while shopping at Whole Foods with a Zeiss 35mm F2 Planar Lens
Taken from the Photo Blog Archive
Swans Lake
Taken at the Central Park Zoo with a Canon 5D Mark II and a 200mm 2.8 L prime lens
Take from the Photo Blog Archive
Pellegrino Red
Testing different ways to light, using tin foil and white card board as a reflector.
From the Photo Blog Archive
Wild Architecture
Taken from while at the Bronx Zoo, this is a very close up of a piece of architecture found near the main area of the Zoo.
From the Photo Blog Archive
Tough Stone
On one of my excursions to the Bronx Zoo, I found this very visible stone statue of a Rhino.
From the Photo Blog Archive
Its In The Details
Taken at Columbus Circle without the a Tripod.
From The Photo Archive Blog
America's 42nd Street
From the Photo Blog Archive. One of my favorites
Look Up And See It Yourself
While walking out of my door. On my way to run some errands, I looked up and saw this. I knew I would have killed myself for not taking this photo, so I went upstairs, grabbed my Canon 5D mk2 and took 3 shots. The first one was blown out. Second was almost there. This was perfect.
You are looking at a photo which was taken straight from RAW to the screen.
Earlier Than Dawn
The blog was started several years ago. If you select the "Archives" you'll see the previous rendition of this photo blog, archived. This photo is from that blog.
The Great Convergence
The blog was started several years ago. If you select the "Archives" you'll see the previous rendition of this photo blog, archived. This photo is from that blog.
A graphic designed photograph taken of Alvin "Brooklyn Born" Alverez. The elements were added in post, using the same techniques as I have used in some of my award winning graphic design work.
Facebook Messenger Takes Over Your Phone
According to the Huffington Post (See below photo of article and URL) Facebook Messenger's Terms of Service invades your privacy and takes over your phone. Read the below article for more shocking information; and join the Facebook Protest, by chaining your profile pic to the "Facebook Get Your Hand Out My Pocket."
The Frying Pan's Sunflower
Deep in the bowels of a social gathering spot (and Lightship} located along the Hudson River (called The Frying Pan), I found a miniature sunflower resting inside of a watering can. Dark and what you'd expect of the innards of a salty ship to look like, I found this wonderful touch of feminine beauty. It stands out as lovely as the establishment's manager, Danielle.
The Frying Pan is a Lightship docked near by. I photographed this using my friend's Canon 7D and my Canon 70-300 F4-5.6 L Series lens.