Pic of the Day - Pillow Warriors of Fun

I took this photo while attending the International Pillow Fight Day's Pillow Fight at Union Square in NYC.  I shot the event using my Canon 5D and a 200mm L 2.8 lens.  There were several quality photos, stay tuned for more from the event.  Good times!

Pic of the Day - Self Portrait

I'm a huge fan of podcasts.  I listen to all types.  From security to macs to photography.  In one of the photography podcasts, they spoke about the challenges of the self portrait.  I choose to take on this challenge.  Of the approximate 12 photos I took I found 2 I really liked.  My pic of the day is the one I thought made the most sense. 

Click the link directly under the photo to read more about what was in my mind when I took the photo.  It's an insight to my though process.

I choose to focus on my Canon 5D.  However I wanted to make sure I showed what went into my photography; telling a story through one photo.  

In the foreground you see the lens which is burred in the foreground. The lens has a reflection of myself inside the lens, which shows another reflection within that reflected lens and so on and so on.  This is how I think; on multiple levels, and very deep.

In focus is the Canon 5D and my fingers. This represents the tools which I use to create art.  The camera represents the technology I use.  The fingers the talents given to me.

In the near background you see my eye.  My brows are stern and focused, looking through the tools and my thoughts.  It's a portal to my soul...


Pic of the Day - Condiments

Saturday was a very busy day for me.  I shot the International Pillow Fight Day, Pillow Fight at Union Square in NYC.  However being that I was swamped I was left without a photo of the day.  It was only at the end of my day, that I realized my lack of consistency in regarding to my photo of the day.  Desprate and in search for something to shoot, I thought of something right there in front of my eyes.  Something so simple and often overlooked.  It's not my shining moment in photography... but the concept is once again there for your review.

Pic of the Day - Greenspan and Greenspan

I took this photo a few days ago.  However I had to wait until I got the time to put the smaller photo into the iPhone.  Yes this was composited in Photoshop.  Initially I took a photo of him with his iPhone, then had him call it up so that I could take another photo of him making a different face while he held the iPhone in front of his face.  I shot it.  We were running out of time quickly.  And the lights were causing way too much glare on the iPhone.  I wanted the shot and didn't have the time.  So I told him to simply send me the photo and I would post it in.  So this is my photo of the day.  

I have one regret.  I wish we had more time to get it done right.  I think the concept is a good one.  And Greenspan is a great model.  If you forget his last picture, click the read more link below to view the image.


Escalating Deco

Today I found out I won a Peabody Award.  Keeping that in mind, I should explain that my photography is an extension of my graphic design, which is an extension of my art.  I am currently in a position where I can't show off what I am doing, until it's released to the public.  However the site will change in the near future to reflect more of my design.

So it's very fitting that today I photographed something rich with design.  An Escalator heavy with art deco influences.  As a designer I love it so much!  I hope you do too.

This is the mostly365 and my Pic of the Day.

Pic of the Day - Architectural 3D Lines

I ventured out the the Port Authority today.  I was equiped with my Canon 5D and a 28-90mm USM mid level Canon lens, just to test it out.  Sometimes the best things are unplanned.  I went there for a totally different photo.  After taking the original photo, I found this... I hope you like it :)

Depth of Field between Lenses

Yesterday I received a comment on the Monitors/ Canon 28-90mm USM review.  The comment was that the photo lacked the DOF (a.k.a. Depth of Field) I spoke of in my review.  Keeping that in mind, I brought out my 28-135mm out.  I found a pretty nice evergreen tree and took some comparison photos.  Please look at the lower left hand side of each photo to see which photo was taken by what lens.  i.e. Canon 28-90 USM 4-5.6.

You can visually see the difference between shots.  Although I didn't have a tripod to fully control the situation; I believe you will clearly see how much better the DOF is when I used the 28-90mm.   I want you to divide each image into 3 sections.  The foreground, the center and the rear area of the image.  I focused on the center of each image; picking some needles in the center to use as my focal point. 

If you prefer to view much larger versions of the photos, please click the images below



I wanted to test out a very nice mid level Canon lens.  The Canon EF 28-90mm 4-5.6 USM lens is a mid level lens which is often overlooked for it's larger more robust 28-35mm 3.5-5.6 IS USM sibling.  Although the 28-90 does not offer IS (aka Image Stabilization), it does have a shallower depth of field than the 28-135.  

I've read reviews bad mouthing the 28-135mm lens.  Some photos on this site was taken with that lens.  The 28-135mm was my first lens; and my work horse.  I found it perfect for all day walk-about photo shoots.  Keeping this in mind I purchased the 28-90mm.  I was surprised to find the amount of depth of field and as you can see, the lens does able one to capture quality photos.

If you are in the market for an alternative lens, don't write off the Canon 28-90mm 4-5.6 USM lens.  For the rest of the week, I am going to really put this lens to the test.  Please leave your comments.  I'd like to know YOUR opinion on the quality of the photo below.

One last thing... This photo is my Pic of the Day :)  Hello Mostly365!


Expensive Typography

While coming into work today, I came across this beautiful car.  Now the car it self is something to marvel at.  There are so many points of the car to pay attention to.  Being the Designer Geek that I am; I focused on some very expensive typography.  In an age where design is truly moving forward in full thrust.  I found a piece of older design located on a beautiful modern vehicle.

A Statue for Harlem

While shooting in Central Park Sunday, I came across a beautiful statue of 3 young ladies playing together in a circle.  The statues is part of a beautiful man made pond, where in the summer time Koi swim.  

Pic of the Day

This is going to be rough.  I don't alway carry my camera around with me... so if you start seeing some taken from my iphone....

Here's my pic of the day.  Oh and yes it's a photo of my 50mm 1.4 Carl Zeiss, taken with a 100mm 2.8 macro.  And yes the macro is aimed right through the 50mm.  And yes that's what I saw.  I did not post in what you see through the 50mm lens.

The photo below it was another photo taken from the 100mm 2.8 macro of my Zeiss 50mm.



Pic of the Day: Stickers On The Vine

mostly365.com is a great site which inspires you to post a pic a day.  The idea is to get you to shoot every day.  You don't have to shoot with a DSLR.  You can shoot with a phone... The point it to shoot.  You can post by tweeting #mostly365 then include your pic link.  Below is my entry.  Which is great because it allows me to keep to my own matra, which is to post at least a pic a day.

I hope you enjoy.


First Attempt at HDR Photography


I am more than sure I did this wrong... but here's my first attempt at HDR.  In the event you don't know what HDR means: H = Hight, D = Dynamic, R = Range.  It's a method of photography where you shoot the same image 3 or more times using different stops.  i.e. -1, 0, +1.  You then take the images into a program like Photoshop.  Where using layer channels you expose between the layers to bring out the parts of the image either brighten or darken areas of the photograph to taste.

This is my first attempt.  Hopefully I'll be able to bring out my mastery of Photoshop in my photography with HDR photography.

In the event you do not know, I do not like adjusting my photos after I take them.  I am not so much a purist, as I am always training myself to get it done the first time RIGHT.  However if I really really must use a photo which I don't love upon first sight in applications like Light Room or Bridge or Aperture; I adjust the photo as little as possible.

Click the link below and compare the HDR vs the regular shot image.  Please use the comments to share which one you think is the HDR.  



Exploring the Canon 5D


On Saint Patrick's Day 2011, I took my Canon 5D with me to celebrate the day with green beer and a tone of green!!!

Remember to click the link under the below image to view the other photos I took on St. Patrick's Day.  AND leave comments.  I want to know what YOU think.  If you would like to make a suggestion of something/someone you'd like me to shoot please let me know in the comments. 






The Lack of Madagascar in Central Park

Being a fan of Madagascar, and the Penguins of Madagascar I thought I'd visit the New York Central Park Zoo to see just how accurate the cartoons are.  In short.... not very accurate.  But I decided to take some photos anyway.  I hope you enjoy them and choose to visit the Central Park Zoo in NYC.  Make sure to click the link below to see more photos.